Incense In The Wind

Burner Burner - Carhartt jacket incense burner

Sunday 10 February 2019

Moksh Swarna Champa

All of Moksh's incense that I've tried have been highly fragrant, and this is no exception. I've been working my way through some HEM incense recently as I had a bunch of cones that I wanted to review before moving them into our bathroom air freshener bowl which we keep by the entrance of the bathroom to light up whenever we want to brighten the air in that room. Then I read this article, which puts Moksh as the second most popular incense brand in India (and HEM as the sixth), which made me go to my Best Incense Makers list, where I realised I hadn't yet reviewed this Moksh scent, even though I've been selling it in my eBay shop for a couple of months now. Anyway, lighting this up after a period of burning HEM incense underlined to me how weak HEM are in regard to Moksh. They are both doing the same thing - creating everyday perfumed incense. But Moksh do it so much better than HEM. OK, this is clearly a synthetic scent, so it's not Heavenly stuff, but it is decent everyday stuff that I would be happy to buy and burn again. This will impart a pleasant scent to any room, and create a welcoming atmosphere.

Date: Feb 2019     Score: 36


Moksh Agarbatti

Wednesday 6 February 2019

HEM Precious Rose Incense Cones

There is a potent scent on the cone - clearly solvent based, it's kinda jammy, fruity, sweet, sharp, citric. There's little awareness of floral notes. But they are the right cones, as the interior bag is red, which is the colour code for HEM Rose.  The scent on burning is quite light and modest, and struggles to remain clean. The core material is charcoal so shouldn't have an impact on the overall aroma, but there is an occasional bright smoky scent that appears to have nothing to do with the solvent. On the whole this is a modest room freshener sort of scent. It's not offensive, and is modestly effective.

Date: Feb 2019  Score:  20