Incense In The Wind

Burner Burner - Carhartt jacket incense burner

Monday 10 July 2017

One Aromatics Ambrosia

Second review - scroll down for earlier

This burns like a standard perfume-dipped stick with the flaws present in that, and I am getting no sense of halmaddi this time, though I burned the company's Cedarwood shortly after, and picked up elements of halmaddi in that. Curious. We all agree here that this is a pleasant warm sweet scent, and we like it.

Date: May 2018   Score: 33↑

First review

This is a pleasant enough everyday decent incense made at Auroville. There's some light floral notes, a hint of musk and sandalwood.  It lacks distinct character or interest, though is very pleasant, and certainly not in any way offensive. This stick contains halmaddi, and there is that sense of it, but so light you can only really tell if looking for it - like a faint echo at the back of the cave. The aroma overall is not strong, but when you do catch it, it's attractive, but not in any compelling way. It's OK as a background incense to freshen up the house - certainly better than some everyday cheap incenses, but not as good as others. There's not a lot to say really. It's a decent enough everyday scent that burns reasonably pleasantly in the background, giving gentle wafts of a floral, soft wood, and musky nature.

Hmmm. The more I burn this the more I like it - I am now thinking this is more than just an everyday incense, I think it is a decent incense that you could burn before guests come round. I fired up three this morning to wake up the downstairs part of the house, and I wasn't hugely impressed, because there wasn't a strong scent, and what I did catch as I prepared breakfast, wasn't compelling, though was pleasant enough. My wife and daughter didn't mention it at all. It was simply a standard background scent. I did, however, note that it left a pleasing scent in the front room. When lighting up one just now to review it, I wasn't expecting much because of the lack of impression the morning session had left on me. But as I'm burning it, and wafting the smoke over my face, I am finding it more and more attractive. Hmmm. I think I'll be returning to this review later....

Date: June 2017 Score: 32

One Aromatics


  1. Haha, hello!!

    I'm glad it seems to be growing on you! At least it doesn't have that horrible smoky aftertaste that other cheaper incense has.. And it does seem to stay around for a day or so afterwards.. Even the other day I could smell incense when none was burning. I have almost ran out of my Ambrosia I think, so I tried some of this Rose that One Aromatics also do. It was lovely, I'll have to buy some more Rose. I see you have Cedarwood too, I preferred that to the Sandalwood they do. Jasmine though is very strong, I almost use that as an air freshner to mask odours. Too strong for me.. But I love the subtley of the Ambrosia, sometimes you'll just catch a waft of it and it's almost orgasmic..

  2. Yes. I'm not putting these sticks in my everyday container, I'm keeping them in my review box under my desk to return to at a later date! :-)

  3. Update. These One Aromatics are growing on me....

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