Incense In The Wind

Burner Burner - Carhartt jacket incense burner

Friday, 9 August 2019

(HMS) Gokula Gaura Radharani / Pink Rose

A sweet and fruit scent initially, then some prickly damp sheep's wool, then some fermented fruit with an awareness of vintage beer. Mild turmeric and that scent, yes that scent which is just out of my reach. Tantalisingly familiar and evocative and specific and uncommon but just beyond my grasp. Vanilla, a bit. Something a bit floral. Tea. Black. Scented. Rose scented tea? Yes, that's it. Rose scented tea. How lovely.

This is a warm and beautiful incense. I'd like more of this. This could be my current fave.....

[2025 note: This is now called Pink Rose - same as the HMS Pink Rose. It is highly likely (more likely than not) that this is a Haridas Madhavdas Sugandhi (HMS) incense, so I am listing it as such until it is shown otherwise. 

Date: Aug 2019    Score: 46

Haridas Madhavdas Sugandhi


  1. Steve, we certainly differ in our takes on this one! No longer called Radharani, it is named Pink Rose and its a Connoisseur line stick. A thin stick with a hint of rose from the dry stick. Listed at a 50 minute burn, the soft fragrance of rose wafts into the room, but it is a very subtle aroma with no clarity for me. The base is muted although I can detect the vanilla coming through on occasion. The rose scent seems natural and not a heavy perfumed one but I cannot discern much of anything else. This is by far the least desirable Gokula stick I have tried, so far, but if someone is looking for a discreet rose scent, this one could be it. Gokula describes it as potent, but this was not a potent stick I just burned. Very mild would be my experience. Maybe Gokula changed something here. I will have to ask Mukunda

    1. Burns on different days can produce different responses. Scent is so elusive and subjective and emotional. And subtle scents, such as this one, can evoke widely different responses in even the same person, let alone different people.

      I suppose it is helpful in that it is now called pink rose in order to focus attention on the rose scent as that scent was so subtle it clearly took me a while to pin it down. But, at the same time, it can be more interesting not to give an incense a particular scent name because that could in a way narrow or limit one's response. Also, sometimes it can be frustrating or disappointing to have a scent called patchouli, which ends up smelling of bubble gum!


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