Incense In The Wind

Radiating Incense In The Wind - a painting by Hai Linh Le

Monday 15 November 2021

Wild Berry Champa Flower cones


I'm having a break from my marathon Gokula binge, where I'm attempting to clear away my back log. This bag of Wild Berry cones was tucked at the back of the same drawer where I have been keeping my Gokula samples. The cones are black (or possibly a very dark blue) and give the appearance of old cannabis resin.

Given my poor early experience of open jars of sticks of Wild Berry, I have a low opinion of them, but my last review was of some of the short sticks, the Shorties, and I was impressed at how well the scent had remained. Same here - I don't know when I acquired these, but I am impressed at how well the resin cones have held the perfume. It's not strong, but there is a rather pleasant champa flower / frangipani scent, and there are no off scents from the cone. I'm not sure what the cone is made from, but it is actually decent quality. Sadly, it burns very quickly, and the scent is not strong, so these cones don't represent good value for money. But they are much better than what I was expecting. And would almost certainly smell stronger when fresh. 

Date: Nov 2021   Score: 23


Wild Berry

Best of Champa

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