Incense In The Wind

Burner Burner - Carhartt jacket incense burner

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Haria Rose Dhoop Sticks


I've not been particularly impressed with Haria's dhoops. To me, they are not traditional dhoops - they are more like perfume-dipped cones than natural dhoops. However, I have found them quite acceptable, and even quite decent. They are pleasantly smoky. Firm, but not aggressive. And they produce an attractive and cleansing scent, albeit not special or heavenly. 

The scent on the stick is sharp and floral. The fragrance oil may be natural or synthetic, but, whatever the origin, it appears to have been blended with a solvent such as DPG or DEP, to strengthen and prolong the fragrance, and also to make it go further, and so reduce the cost. 

It burns well, releasing an attractive column of grey smoke. The scent is decent and attractive, and is clearly rose. But it doesn't do much more than signal "rose". I like it. I think it is well made at a price. It's not offensive. It cleans and lifts a room. As a floral smudge or room freshener, this is OK. But it doesn't do more than that. Essentially this is the same quality as the Loban I've just reviewed, but I personally liked the Loban a bit more, so gave it a higher score. Some people, I know, get puzzled that I score by how much I enjoy an incense rather than by some abstract technical "incense judge" score. But there you go. Each to their own. You can give technical points to your life partner, or you can just fall in love.  

Date: Feb 2025   Score: 26


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